Our human bodies are surrounded by our larger energy fields, all interconnected and communicating with each other, moment to moment. Within our fields we store our habitual thoughts, emotions, fears, memories, etc. These all influence our perceptions, and expectations in life.

In this vibrational universe, our energy field is a key attractor of our life experiences. The energy of an insecure / wounded / angry person will manifest entirely different experiences, than the energy of a confident / joyful / balanced individual. And one of the main factors that determine the different energies, is the narrative.

We direct our perception of life heavily through our stories. We have stories about: our past, our looks, our luck, our prospects, our value, etc. And our energy field dutifully expresses it all. 

Join me this Tues 17 DEC 8pm-9.30pm to explore the connections of our perspectives to behaviours, and how our language is the start to powerfully transforming our energy, and future.

Talk is Free and Open to all
Date: Tues, 17 Dec 2019
Time: 8pm – 9.30pm (arrival 7.50pm)
Venue: PRANAWORLD MALAYSIA, Centrio Hillpark, Bangsar South.

View Event on Facebook: FREEDOM & MASTERY