The Vibration of Wellbeing

This talk will start with an overview of how our vibration and expectations greatly influence our future.

Gain insights to your current default programming, whether you are emitting the expectation of wellbeing, or struggle. And how you may be broadcasting your energies toward the opposite of your desires.

In these unique times the collective emotions globally have activated deep fears for survival, health, and finances. Experience a group clearing and release of: old programming, limiting beliefs, heightened anxiety, and blocks to financial wellbeing and future expansion ⚘

Talk is free and open to all ❣

Sunday 29 March 2020
Time: 10.30am – 12pm
Venue: ZOOM video –
Kindly register with Linnet or HeartSanctuary to receive login instructions.

Webinar is live and without recording 💛

See you Sunday!