Group Clearing for PROSPERITY!

We know that what we Believe and Expect –> we Attract

Herein lies all the missing pieces. Beliefs and Expectations are non-conscious aspects of ourselves.

They are derived from the vast reservoir of our:
• childhood experiences
• subtle and explicit conditioning and programming
• internalised conclusions of our worth and value
• observations of others’ behaviours, struggles, habits
• records of ancestral and collective experiences

We are literally creating our FUTURE by the vibrational broadcasts of our thoughts and feelings. All the positive mental statements and affirmations on prosperity are a huge step forward for humanity – yet they are not enough.

It is time to go beyond this, and into a continuous flow and way of life. Start taking steps toward true shifts in long term, consistent, PROSPERITY.

In this 2-hour Group Clearing Session:
• Discover your deep Subconscious and Unconscious default operating system regarding Money and Prosperity
• Identify your Hidden Blocks, Denials, and Auto-Responses
• Acknowledge, Release and Rewrite your Identity with Prosperity.

Date: SATURDAY, 31 Oct 2020
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Clearing Workshop Fee: RM 150

Via Zoom Video – kindly register soonest with Linnet or Heart Sanctuary to join this Workshop 🧡

Facilitator Profile at