We have all heard of The Law of Attraction – What we Vibrate in Energy and Expectation, we Attract.

In this talk we will discuss the 4 major bodies we mainly operate in, their nature and characteristics. How they react, respond, and attract our currrent experience, and how any shifts within, can shift our external reality very swiftly.

We will also glimpse how we store imprints and patterns of joy, safety, pain or trauma; abundance or lack, fortune or struggle – and how these can influence our future.

** PLUS an exercise of self-tuning in to and sensing your own energy broadcasts, and get insights some repeated patterns in your life.

The FIRST step to creating the life we desire starts from understanding how we created the life we currently have.

Date: 26 Feb 2019
Time: 8pm-9.30pm
Venue: Pranaworld Malaysia, Centrio Bangsar South

Check out this Meetup at: FREEDOM, EMPOWERMENT & MASTERY KL