The Inner Child is an aspect of our core personality that exist in each of us. It is the aspect that maintains our childlike Joy, Wonder, and Exuberance 💛
And when nourished and nurtured, is a beautiful anchor to our core nature and balancing influence throughout our lives.

However, in the course of our childhood there may be specific wounds and scars this precious part of us has developed. Oftentimes a large proportion of our triggers, reactions, and self-defeating behaviours are linked to unhealed aspects of our Inner Child.

You may have observed feeling Amazing, Secure, Confident – and in a moment’s trigger, have it all shaken. This is a KEY culprit in why most people struggle to maintain the stable consistent vibration needed to attract and manifest their goals.
It has been long recognised as an important player in our wellbeing, and hence there are a multitude of healing systems and exercises that focus on healing the Inner Child.

It is time we all take this much further ❣
Beyond the soothing and repair – that greatly softens discomfort and pain – most of us are missing an amazing potential of turning our Inner Child into our BIGGEST ally, partner, and unseen support towards our dreams.

Your Inner Child consciousness is a priceless reservoir of untapped resource! 🔥

In this 2hour group clearing session, immerse in Visualisations and Energy Exercises to clear core specific wounds – and deeply embrace, integrate, and experience the downloading of Pure Potential energy, trapped in the past stories, that you can now REASSIGN to fuel your Projects, Prosperity, and Manifestations

Date: Tues, 15 Oct 2019
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm (arrival 7.20pm)
Heart Sanctuary KL
Session Fee: rm150