Group Clearing for INNER PEACE!

Our inner and outer worlds are always influencing each other. What we truly feel and believe, about ourselves; our potential, worth, path, or how life should be – translates directly into our outer manifested experiences. Always.

In these unique times, the world may seem to be in more fear, polarisation, or chaos than usual. This momentum is fueled by the inner turmoil within the mass consciousness, expressed both openly and energetically. 

Especially now, our ability to stay in steady Clarity, Inner Peace, and Wellbeing – is key to creating the future we desire, for ourselves and the world.

In this 2-hour Intensive Group Clearing Session, we will focus on systematically identifying and releasing:
πŸ‘‰ Deep rooted fears of survival, sudden loss, being overwhelmed
πŸ‘‰ Heightened worry, anxiety, unease
πŸ‘‰ Old stories, wounds, patterns of trauma, injustice, regret,
to restore our minds and bodies to priceless Inner Peace, Wellness, and Joy!

When we are in Alignment with our greater higher Consciousness – of deep Wellbeing, Universal Resources, and Absolute Knowing that All is Well – we become one with the power that creates worldsπŸ’—.

It is time to start living the most Joyful, Abundant, Magical lives we can imagine!

Date: SATURDAY, 5 December 2020
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Clearing Workshop Fee: RM 150

Via Zoom Video – kindly register soonest with Linnet to join this Workshop 🧑