Your Lightbody is a gridwork and energy structure encompassing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, determining key aspects of your wellbeing. As we consciously activate, build and integrate the divine blueprint of a healthy lightbody, all areas of our life experience exponentially elevate.

A bigger chalice holds more gold.
To be effective creators, influencers, manifestors in our lives, the first step is
to build our storehouse of Effective Power.

There are 3 core components in energy capacity:
• Clarity
• Quantity
• Charge / Flow

This concept carries in all aspects: lifeforce and vitality, wealth and income, any type of manifestation ability.

This course will focus on exercises and techniques to:

1. Identify specific blocked areas in our Lightbodies
2. Clear and transmute stuck energy
3. Expand and charge up our Energy Fields
4. Align to our Source of Inner Power and Infinite Flow.

We will also discuss the Esoteric overview of Human evolution and Initiations, and key realisations that shape our collective life experience. This knowledge is an important
roadmap for us to consciously navigate for the highest joyful and fulfilling existence.

The expression “Sh*t happens” is incomplete. It is only a problem when “Sh*t happens and we are not prepared/buffered for it” 🙂

Start building up:
• A powerful Energy Immune System
• Expanded capacity in all our bodies
• Buffer storehouses and power resources

Date: Sun 28 April 2019
Time: 2pm – 6pm
Venue: Heart Sanctuary KL
Course Fee: RM 400