[02/01, 17:06] Linn: We are complex beings intending to bring the best versions of ourselves into this world.

Our divine essence holds all the blueprints and guidance to an absolutely fulfilling life. The more we unclutter, shed the old, and open our channels to infinite intelligence, the more magical our lives become!

By default, we carry massive storages of old data – childhood programming and experiences, traumas of ancestors, belief systems of abundance or lack, fortune or struggle, etc all which heavily influence our current and future experiences.

In this 2-hour Intensive Group Clearing, we will dive through:

👉 Personal and collective limiting beliefs, patterns, fears, traumas etc that have held back your full potential.
👉 We will acknowledge the roles they have played, and deeply and powerfully clear them from our cells, bodies, records, and realities🔥

❣️ An important Clearing to start an Incredible Year!

Date: SUNDAY, 10 JAN 2021
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Clearing Workshop Fee: RM 150

Via Zoom Video – kindly register soonest with Linnet or Heart Sanctuary to join this Workshop 🧡 

See you Sunday!
[04/01, 16:37] Linnet BB: We are complex beings intending to bring the best versions of ourselves into this world.

Our divine essence holds all the blueprints and guidance to an absolutely fulfilling life. The more we unclutter, shed the old, and open our channels to infinite intelligence, the more MAGICAL our lives become!

By default, we carry massive storages of old data – childhood programming and experiences, traumas of ancestors, belief systems of abundance or lack, fortune or struggle, etc all which heavily influence our current and future experiences.

In this 2-hour Intensive Group Clearing, we will dive through:

👉 Personal and collective limiting beliefs, patterns, fears, traumas etc that have held back your full potential.

👉 We will acknowledge the roles they have played and strengths gained,

👉🏻 And powerfully clear and release them now from our cells, bodies, records, and realities🔥

❣️ An important Clearing to start an Incredible Year!

Date: SUNDAY, 10 JAN 2021
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Clearing Workshop Fee: RM 150

Via Zoom Video – kindly register soonest with Linnet or Heart Sanctuary to join this Workshop 🧡 

See you Sunday!