We are living in very unique times, of heightened collective emotions, worries, and fears.

We know that the energy of a confident, optimistic person will attract entirely different experiences, from the vibration of a fearful, helpless individual. Yet, roots of fear often lie within our deep subconscious – imprinted from childhood experiences, conditioning, ancestral trauma, etc – vibrationally detrimental to every aspect of our lives.

In this 2-hour Intensive Group Clearing session, we will engage in powerful Energy Exercises and Multidimensional Clearings to Identify and Release deep roots and pockets of Fear –
from our many:
🌱 Consciousness • Bodies • Fields • Cellular Memories • Records
…. FREEING us to create and embrace new Joyful realities.

👉 For preparation for the Clearing Session:
Contemplate a list of specific fears and triggers you have in the following 3 areas:

1. Physical Wellbeing
2. Financial Future
3. Freedom and Rights

🔥 Start releasing them from the many layers of your being – and, aligning and integrating with your most powerful Self!
===> The only state where we create exceptionally abundant, enjoyable lives ❣

Date: Saturday, 12 June 2021
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Workshop Clearing Fee: RM 150
Via Zoom Video – kindly register soonest with Linnet to join this clearing 💛