Understand your hidden blocks and start aligning your desires to you!

Ever wondered why some of your desires manifest very quickly, and some others seem to follow some unknown pace, regardless of how many affirmations, goal-setting, focused intentions you direct to them?

In this talk we will discuss an overview of the key variables that influence our ability to attract and manifest. The principles and premise of energy and vibrational alignment, and the different states of being; whether we are emitting the expectation of receiving or resistance.

We will do an exercise to sense our current point of attraction, and understand and clear seeds and foundations that are actively affecting our life experience: in belief systems, programming conditioning, patterns and habits and inner belief – that is actively causing blocks and hindering energy to our goals.

The first step is always self awareness and clarity. The understanding of the ‘hidden’ laws that govern everything around us, and to bring ourselves into alignment to our desires. Once we identify and release our limitations, we are then free to powerfully energise our goals into physical reality. The law of universe naturally flows EFFORTLESSLY towards the manifestation of our hearts’ wishes.

Date: Sun 25 March 2018
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Venue: Pranaworld Malaysia