We are multidimensional beings having a physical human experience. We live in a sea of constant vibrational communication, interacting on many levels with each other, and our environment. 

What we Believe and Expect, we Attract.

Consider the concept that we are crafting our external reality via real time energy broadcasts of our deep Expectations. Everything happens in the language of Vibration, and it is useful to master the language.

How do we know what we have been broadcasting? By simply acknowledging the life experiences we have manifested, and currently living. The beauty of this is also knowing we can adjust and shift our point of attraction at any moment.

In this 1.5hour talk, we will tune in to our current quotient of Self-Love and Prosperity, engage in self diagnosis of our default communication, and apply powerful exercises to magnetise ourselves to our desires.

Date: 28 March 2019
Time: 7.30pm-9pm

Check out this Meetup at: FREEDOM, EMPOWERMENT & MASTERY KL