PROSPERITY is a type of Vibrational Frequency – that exists within and around people who have found alignment with it.

These vibrations are anchored in place by how much we practice, nourish, and reinforce them. Our mindsets, subconscious beliefs, and true expectations are the fuel that powers and defines our continuous relationship with Prosperity – and whether its presence is sporadic or continuous in our manifested experience.

In this talk, gain insight into your current alignment with Prosperity. Uncover hidden beliefs, triggers and blind spots you may have been nourishing…. and experience a deep clearing to release old programming and patterns – to embrace the vibrational identity we desire.

Talk is free and open to all ❣Friends and family welcome!

Sunday, 7 June 2020
Time: 2.30pm – 4pm
Venue: ZOOM Video 👉🏼 Msg Linnet to register for login details.

Facilitator profile at:

Webinar is live and without recording 💛