The Things You Desire, Desire You Too.

But….. sometimes, they may not be aware of your attention and interest! Could it even be possible? That the subjects of your desires are blissfully ignorant of how much you want them?

How good are your communication skills, to the Universe? When interacting a million times a day with an all-powerful, all-knowing, wish-fulfilling consciousness….what are you actually saying?

About your Wants, Needs, Goals, Dreams, and Desires?

This conversation is perpetual, ongoing every single moment, and happens in the language of Vibration. And the first step is to master the language.

The language is a unique formulae, a combination of:
Energy, words, images, feelings, beliefs, clarity, and focus
Less: doubts, fears, worries, insecurity
Plus: fueling and energising the completed message.

In this 1.5 hour talk we will discuss the laws of manifestation; analyse our default communication, decipher the messages we have been broadcasting, and apply powerful techniques of effective Visualisation that will magnetise our Desires to us.

Date: Tues 16 Oct 2018
Time: 8pm-9.30pm
Venue: Pranaworld Malaysia, Centrio Bangsar South

Check out this Meetup at: FREEDOM, EMPOWERMENT & MASTERY KL