If you read articles about therapists and transformational coaches in Kuala Lumpur, you may notice that sometimes they rave on topics that are unfamiliar to you such as energy healing, 7 chakras and meditation.

Anyone can practice energy healing with 7 chakras meditation to attain a balance in mental and spiritual health.

With regular practice, meditation will help you to live a better, healthier life. It will enhance the quality of your life.

Understanding Chakra

Before we show you the energy healing guide with 7 chakras meditation, it is better for you to have more understanding of chakra.

Your body is made of energy and chakras are the main energy centers.

Whatever you say, feel or experience will have an effect on the health and effectiveness of your chakras.

Therefore, to be able to feel peace from within and improve the quality of your life, you need to do the 7 chakras meditation.

What are the 7 Chakras?

The 7 chakras inside us are located differently in our body – 4 in the upper body and 3 in the lower body.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Chakra or Muladhara is located near your tailbone. It connects all of your energy with the earth (rooting, grounding).

When the 1st chakra is balanced, you will feel connected to your physical body, stable and secure.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadishana)

The name of the 2nd chakra, Sacral Chakra or Svadishana, translates to “the place of the self”.

It is the home of creative life source energy, dealings with feelings and sexuality.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The 3rd chakra is Solar Plexus or Manipura, located in your stomach or upper abdomen. When the chakra is balanced, you will fill confident.

Therapists and transformational coaches often suggest people who are looking to boost their confidence level to do Solar Plexus meditation.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The 4th chakra is located in the center of the chest. The Heart Chakra or Anahata connects the lower chakra to the upper chakra.

A balanced Heart Chakra will leave you feeling peaceful, compassionate, loving, forgiving and empathetic.

5. Throat Chakra (Visuddha)

The 5th chakra, Throat Chakra or Visuddha, is located at your throat. However, it controls your hearings as well.

When balanced, this chakra will help you to become a more effective communicator, builds up your confidence and helps you to release negative thoughts.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

As the name suggests, the Third Eye Chakra or Ajna, is located between your eyebrows. 

Malaysians who managed to balance this chakra will develop stronger intellect, wisdom, intuition and spiritual power. They will feel in tune with both the physical and material world.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahaswara)

The Crown Chakra or Sahaswara is regarded as a gateway to the energy of the universe. It is pure consciousness energy, located at the top of your head.

Balancing the 7th chakra keeps your body to be spiritually connected, enabling you to experience pure bliss.

A Guide to Energy Healing with 7 Chakras Meditation

Our therapist and energy healer, Linnet Tan, has been conducting workshops and courses for several years in Kuala Lumpur.

Follow this guide to energy healing with 7 chakras meditation to balance the energy of your chakras:

1. Choose a quiet location, away from noise and disturbance so you can focus

2. Turn on calming, meditation songs (optional)

3. Make sure you feel comfortable – the temperature of the room, the clothes you are wearing, the chair or mat you will be sitting on

4. Get into a comfortable seated position

5. Put your attention into your 7 chakras one by one, starting from the 1st chakra (Root Chakra). Do it for around 10 minutes for each chakra

6. When putting your attention to the chakra, breathe in and out gently. As you breathe in, feel the calmness and peacefulness flow into you. As you breathe out, feel the negative energy and stress flowing out.

7. Open your eyes slowly

Wisdom Liberty’s Energy Healing Workshops and Courses in Kuala Lumpur

In addition to practicing the 7 chakras meditation, you can attend Wisdom Liberty’s energy healing workshops and courses to reach the optimum level of energy balance such as:

Click here to see more energy healing workshops and courses

Malaysians, we hope you find the guide to energy healing with 7 chakras meditation useful. If you have further questions or interested in the workshops, you are welcome to contact us.