Like a lover that attends to his partner’s need, to attract love, first, you have to listen from the depth of your soul what has been keeping you from attracting the love you desire.

The source of energy in you contains all of the emotions, fears and dreams of yours.

It is a very powerful energy that is able to transmit the very same thing that you feel to your surroundings. And attracting the very same energy back to you.

Therefore, Malaysians who are looking for love are encouraged to manifest love and attend energy healing workshops to clear everything that is blocking them to attract love.

If you keep on thinking you will not meet a person who will be loyal to you because you’ve been hurt in the past, then you will attract what you fear.

You will find yourself surrounded by people who are not on the list of your ideal partner.

But if you affirm yourself that you will meet someone who will give you undivided love and attention and manifest for it, you are inviting the very same energy (people) to come to you.

How Malaysians Can Manifest Love with Energy Healing

Here are some ways how Malaysians can manifest love with energy healing:

Manifesting Love Tip 1: Release Negative Emotions

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” -Lao Tzu

Malaysians who suffer from depression often find their bodies feel weak because stress, guilt, fear and shame resonate in lower frequency.

Did you know that thoughts and feelings impact your energy level?

They do. Negative emotions will exhaust you, leaving you with little to no energy.

If you wish to attract and manifest love, first, you must release negative emotions from your mind, body and soul.

This doesn’t mean you have to deny your feelings. Grief and cry to release the sadness, but remember. Avoid being trapped in the same phase for a long time.

Once you have overcome it, fill your mind, body and soul only with positive thoughts.

Thoughts are vibrational frequencies.

Let positive thoughts fill deep within you, deep into your vortex. Shift your thoughts to the loving relationship that you desire, and love will come.

Manifesting Love Tip 2: Love Yourself First

How do you feel when someone brings you to the spa? Or treat you a very nice dinner?

Surely, you will feel happy!

Now, imagine feeling this every day, the feeling of being loved and taken care of…

Whenever love fills you, it will initiate a vibration that attracts more loving situations to you.

Even when you are single now, you can have this loving feeling every day when you take care of yourself, for example:

  • When you wake up in the morning, look into the mirror and say positive things about yourself
  • Forgive those who hurt you
  • Forgive yourself for the past mistakes
  • Be playful, fun and loving
  • De-clutter your house and keep only things that spark joy
  • Engaged in your hobby – passionate people are magnetic!

Manifesting Love Tip 3: Identify the Feeling You Desire

The Universe loves the specificity.

No, we are not talking about how specific your ideal partner look like, the height, the hair colour or the profession.

To invite the love that you desire, you need to identify the feelings that you will have when it has already manifested.

Why do you want a relationship in the first place?

Are you feeling lonely and wish to have someone to accompany you? Are you thinking to start a family?

Or perhaps you feel like nobody understands you, therefore, you want to be with someone who shares the same idea in life?

In order for the Universe to send you the love you desire, your manifestation should be focusing on how your partner will make you feel.

For example,

“He is someone who turns me on every time I see him (charming). We will go on outdoor activities (fit) and travel the world together (sharing the same hobby). It will be easy for both of us to talk about anything (honesty). He will take care of me and money will never be an issue (rich)…”

Remember, instead of focusing on one ‘type’, focus on the feelings and let the Universe surprise you. Your ideal partner may be someone you never expected!

Manifesting Love Tip 4: Attend Energy Healing Workshops in KL

There are many energy healing workshops in Malaysia, especially KL, that will help you attract the love of your life.

There will be a therapist or energy healer to guide you to identify and release the blocks to self-love and abundance, help you to release sadness from past wounds and show guidance on attraction and manifestation.

The energy healing workshops in KL are mostly done in a group, however, if you wish to do it privately, you may contact the therapist or energy healer.

Wisdom Liberty Energy Healing Workshops for Manifesting Love

Some of the Wisdom Liberty energy healing workshops in KL that will help you to manifest love are:

Are you ready to manifest love and attract the perfect, loving partner you desire?

For more info about Wisdom Liberty energy healing workshops in KL, click here.